A great working from home solution!
An ergonomic sit-stand desk hidden in a small cupboard in the colour of your interior! That’s HomeFit©.
Working from home is probably here to stay. When the vaccine is fully rolled out and things can return to normal, many businesses and organisations will have come to the conclusion that working from home has it’s advantages. Just think about the saving on expensive office space, commuting time, environmental impact, etc.
Working from home and ergonomics
However, it is possible that the home office environment may have a negative impact on the home office worker from an ergonomic point of view.
“Working at a desk is the new smoking” we wrote earlier and that was about professionally furnished offices!
At home as well as in the office, it is important to work in alternating sitting and standing postures. Most kitchen tables don’t allow this to happen.
If you have the luxury of a separate study or spacious home office, you would probably choose an adjustable desk and a decent office chair. However, not everyone has the space for such a home office.
That is why Amos Beech in Scotland, introduces the HomeFit© working from home solution!
With a width of only 105 cm and a depth of 30 cm, HomeFit© is no bigger than a shoe cupboard or a large suitcase. The unique design and many colour options will guarantee that HomeFit© blends seamlessly into any living room.
HomeFit© is the professional workstation for the home; fully electrically adjustable in height from 68-118 cm, so that you can work at the correct height both sitting down and standing up. Thanks to its compact size, there is always a place in the living room where HomeFit© is at its best.
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The transformation from an easily overlooked piece of home furniture, into a fully functional office workstation, can be done quickly and easily by opening the doors and raising the worktop. The worktop also contains the controls for height the adjustment. The handy storage tray in the cupboard provides space for work related items such as laptop, mouse or work folder.

electric sit-stand desk, adjustable in height between 68 and 118 cm
black powder coated metal frame with aluminium door handles
safe-stop height adjustment; height adjustment stops automatically if counter pressure is detected
door lock in open position; the right door locks automatically when opened up to prevent the desk from tipping over. The lock can be released with a simple foot control.)
doors fitted with castors for easy opening and stability when opened
convenient metal storage tray for laptop and other office accessories
HomeFit® is delivered fully assembled in a cardboard box
W x D x H: 1050 x 298 x 680
sit-stand heigth: 680 - 1180
Complies to:
NEN-NPR 1813: guideline for office furniture and their application
NEN-EN 527-1: European standard for work tables and desks
ISO standards: 9001 quality, ISO 14001 environment and ISO 26000
CSR guidelines
ILO - labour and social standards
Colours and lead-times
Approx 15 working days for the following standard colours:
Natural Oak 57
white E0-00
Black 720
4-6 weeks for other colours
available from November 2020
for other finishes, click here (pdf file).
For more information contact the office: