A bigger forest and more wildlife thanks to Axon Cable!
Axon Cable had their offices refurbished and re-furnished. Their 6146 Sq Ft office space now equates to 80 new trees to be planted in the Caledonian forest!
80 new trees to be planted in the Caledonian forest
Axon Cable has been committed to meeting environmental challenges for a number years now. Just like Amos Beech, Axon complies to ISO 14001, a standard to help organisations create an effective Environmental Management System (EMS), to benchmark the environmental performance (energy use, recycling rate and waste created). Axon also already complies to the new ISO 45001 Health and Safety standard which is set to replace OHSAS 18001, the standard that Amos Beech currently complies to.
In 2017, Axon recycled the equivalent of 43 tons of steel. By enhancing the value of 27 tons of cartons in 2017, Axon' saved 460 trees.
The company also invested in a machine which transforms cartons into material for packaging.
Now by using Amos Beech as their interior design and office fit out company they haven’t saved trees but actually planted 80 of them!
Patricia Weir holding the certificate
To see their new interiors, click on the image below:
But more importantly, you can plan trees yourself!
For only £6 per tree you can contribute to the new forest which will be a home for wildlife and an adsorbent of CO2 as well.
Every tree helps so go for it:
Amos Beech – improving every environment we touch