Value Creation
Providing Help,
Funding and Skills
"Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and the society at large"
Corporate Social Responsibility
When talking about corporate social responsibility it is talking about something that comes naturally for all of us here at Amos Beech. For that reason we haven't thought about putting anything about this on the website before, because we don't see it as a marketing tool. This was until a customer asked about our policies when we met them for the first time. Because even though it was part of our inception since 1990 if you don't communicate it, then people won't automatically find out.
There is a reason that customers keep coming back to us, that we have low staff turnover and that suppliers are loyal to us. This goes deeper than actively collecting bags for the British Heart Foundation, planting trees or handing out meals to people in need. It is about community, compassion and support and you don't talk about that. But hey, there is the word 'Profit' in PPP (People Planet Profit) as well and that is sustainable.
Value creation
The interior that we create for you
Key for us in our CSR policy is that within the interiors that we create, people will prosper and feel comfortable. The careful analysis of the organisational structure, communication patterns, atmosphere and your strategic goals within the markets you are in is fundamental to our interior design and fit out scheme. Value here means open communication and a helping hand along the journey towards an interior that is yours. A journey that is as exciting as it is confrontational and challenging, but with a great outcome.
Our interior design team has a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw an interior that reflects your company and your culture. Our designers will each have their own different backgrounds and visions on interior design but work for you and will not copy paste and repeat earlier designs. Biophilia and Ergonomic elements will be used where applicable to contribute to the quality of life of your staff.
The team here at Amos Beech
It is quite likely that we are not that different from your company in having a team that varies tremendously in personality, backgrounds and areas of expertise. However we all meet in respect for all and commitment to each-others welfare and families. For us as a workplace specialist, we talk about nothing but the changing workplace, agile working, activity based working, but have also implemented 'Personality Based Working'. Because if it works for that individual employee, it works for us all.
Courage, determination, unselfishness and cheerfulness…. lets introduce the team at Amos Beech!
As an organisation we have staff of all ages and levels of education and we enjoy to help each other and develop together. We encourage staff to keep up to date within their field of work and support further education in addition to existing qualifications. This will contribute to economic development, the society and the quality of our interior design and fit out services.
Environmental accreditation's
We are aware that our economic activity has an environmental impact and the management and all who work at Amos Beech are committed to the care of the environment and the prevention of pollution.
The organisation ensures that all its activities are carried out in conformance with the relevant legal obligations of the environmental legislation and guidelines laid down by the Furniture Industry Research Association (FIRA).
Amos Beech seeks to minimise waste arisings, promote recycling, reduce energy consumption and where possible, to work with suppliers who themselves have sound Environmental Policies. An essential feature of the Environmental Management System is a commitment to continual improvement of environmental performance. This is achieved by setting annual environmental improvement objectives and targets which are regularly monitored and reviewed. The objectives and targets are publicised throughout the organisation and all staff are committed to their achievement.
Image by Photographer Stirling
In order to ensure the achievement of the above commitments, the organisation has implemented an Environmental Management System which satisfies the requirements of ISO 14001 including procedures for emergency response.
Providing help, funding and skills
Amos Beech contributes directly or indirectly via it's staff to various charities like sports, schools, environmental and health. A few of them are highlighted below.
Trees for Life
The award-winning charity Trees for Life works on the restoration of Scotland's ancient Caledonian Forest in the Scottish Highlands.
As trees are close to our heart since the inception of Amos Beech we have started our own grove in 2017.
Image provided by Trees for Life
We encourage you to plant a tree yourself, please visit our dedicated page:
British Heart Foundation
For the 'Bag it and Beat it' campaign the staff here at Amos Beech distributed and collected over 150 bags to help the British Heart Foundation with their funding and research.
For more information visit the page on the site of the British Heart Foundation: Bag it and Beat it.